Pet Food

Quality pet food

Pet food manufacturer drying oven.

The key to quality pet food. Every pet food product has an ideal range of water activity. Mastering moisture levels helps maximize nutrition, safety, and flavor.

Market insights

Producers of pet food, pet treats, and other baked or dried pet snacks like these can improve their product quality and their overall yield with the help of water activity measurement.
Market insights2 min read

Water activity: A better moisture metric for pet food

Market Insight

Find the ideal water activity range for your pet food product that maximizes profit, nutrition, and tastiness while keeping it safe from microbes and mold.

Pet food meets precision. Water activity is a key indicator for the most innovative–and commercially successful–pet food companies. Measuring with precision helps those brands guarantee quality.

A multi-head weigher used for packaging pet foods, as seen at Hampshire Pet Products
Customer Stories3 min read

Hampshire Pet Products
Complex pet treats made simple.

Hampshire Pet Products

With the help of SKALA and AQUALAB, Hampshire reduced scrap, increased yield, and ensured that their customers get perfectly consistent products every time.

Fast, accurate, safe. Aqualab instruments lead the industry in water activity and moisture content measurement, helping keep your batches safe, your shipments running and your production at top performance.

Trusted by


Clients pet food - Simmons
Clients pet food - Hampshire Pet Products
Clients pet food - Red Collar

Ensure quality. Water activity is correlated with many reactions that impact or end shelf life. Keep your batches safe, consistent and ready-to-clear for every shipment.

How to predict moisture migration with water activity
Expertise library3 min read

How to predict moisture migration with water activity

How to predict moisture migration with water activity

Water activity, not water content, predicts how water will migrate. Knowing your ingredients’ aW levels can help you determine how to process, formulate and package.

Real-time data for process control in food manufacturing
Expertise library3 min read

Real-time data for process control in food manufacturing

Real-time data for process control in food manufacturing

Most companies log data. Only the best use it to their competitive advantage. Here's how the right tools can transform your data into a clear and profitable course of action.

Upgrade to Aqualab. Improve your pet product's quality, taste and safety. Aqualab instruments bring accuracy and speed to both lab and line.



Lightning-fast total moisture analysis to tighten process control and boost quality. Combine moisture content and water activity in one device.

  • MC + aw in one
  • Results in 60 seconds
  • For the lab or the line


Modernize moisture content analysis with ROS 1’s automated workflow and keen precision for food manufacturers.

  • Reference method MC
  • 9 samples, automated
  • Sample agnostic, no programs
Watch METER Group's official report on moisture levels in the pet food industry.

Market Snapshot:
Pet Food

We bought bags of kibble from a variety of retailers. We tested big brands alongside small niche companies. The result? A market snapshot of thirteen pet food brands. In this quick 15 minute webinar, Scott Campbell (CEO of Addium) reviews the findings.

Learn, apply, grow. Discover everything you need to know about optimizing pet food aw and MC in our Knowledge Base.

Education guides

Education guides4 min read

Introduction to water activity (aw): The beginner's guide to water activity's role in food production

Education Guide

Water activity (aw) is directly related to the microbial susceptibility of food products and is correlated with many of the reactions that end shelf life in foods. Learn why water activity measurements in food are so powerful.

Water activity helps producers of dried fruits, nuts, and seeds (like these) achieve the perfect taste, texture, and shelf life.
Education guides20 min read

The food manufacturer’s complete guide to water activity

Education Guide

For a cheap ingredient, water can cause a lot of expensive problems in the food industry. The best way to understand water in your product is by learning about water activity (aw).